
Exploring the foundations of Ayurveda: A Q&A session with in-house Ayurvedic expert Dr. Lindsey Scarlata Woodruff

Written By: UMA Editorial Team |

Published on: October 30, 2024

Q- What would you like people to understand about Ayurveda?

Health is more than just freedom from disease or symptom management. Ayurveda teaches us that health emerges when we harmonize our body, mind, senses, and soul. This differs from Western or Allopathic medicine, as Ayurveda takes a root-cause approach to healing rather than focusing on symptomatic suppression. It considers the role of the mind and body in the manifestation of disease and their integral part in re-establishing health. Ayurveda, a 5,000-year-old healing system, predates Traditional Chinese Medicine. Its resurgence reflects people’s search for deeper health insights. Ayurveda translates to “the science of life” in Sanskrit, focusing on the five elements, their role in our constitutions, and how they influence the root cause of disease. My hope is that people shift from outsourcing their health to cultivating it from within.

Q- What role do doshas play in creating health?

Doshas are biological energies—combinations of elements—that manifest in our bodies and throughout life on Earth. There are three doshas: Vata (Ether and Air), Pitta (Fire and Water), and Kapha (Earth and Water). Each dosha governs specific functions within the body. All three are present in every individual, but in varying amounts, creating a unique constitution called Prakruti. Understanding your Prakruti is essential to maintaining health. As we move through life, doshas fluctuate, creating imbalances from our original constitution. Factors like environment, seasons, nutrition, stress, and emotions can impact doshas. Practitioners assess these imbalances to help restore balance with your Prakruti.

Q- How can someone get confirmation on their Prakruti?

The best way to confirm your Prakruti, or individual constitution, is by working with an Ayurvedic Practitioner. In your first consultation, the Practitioner assesses your mind and body type through discussion and evaluation to determine your Prakruti and Vikruti (current state of imbalance). The most reliable method for identifying Prakruti is through pulse diagnosis. Dosha quizzes, while popular, offer surface-level insights and may not be as accurate.

Q- What does Ayurveda have to offer in terms of skincare or skin health?

From an Ayurvedic perspective, the health of the skin reflects the overall well-being of the body. It offers insights into the major tissue systems, particularly the digestive, lymphatic, circulatory, and reproductive systems. When these systems function properly, the skin appears radiant, clear, and supple. However, when toxins accumulate, the skin shows signs like rashes, acne, eczema, and more as it tries to expel unwanted materials. Toxins can result from imbalanced nutrition, compromised environments, stress, and unprocessed emotions. Ayurveda views the body as an ecosystem, where imbalances in one area affect others. Thus, Ayurvedic skincare often begins with adjusting what we consume, think, and apply to our skin.
