AYURVEDIC PSYCHOLOGY & MIND by Donika November 4, 2023 AllABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ AhankaraAhankara is a Sanskrit word that refers to the individual's sense of self or identity... BuddhiBuddhi is the intellect or wisdom that helps us to make decisions and understand our environment... ChittaChitta is seen as an internal sense organ made up of three qualities (trigunas) of the universe... DhyanaDhyana is an ancient practice of meditation and self-awareness that is part of the... ManasManas is one of the three components of the human psyche, alongside atma (the soul) and buddhi... MantraMantra is an ancient Sanskrit term that has been used for centuries in Ayurveda... NidraAccording to Ayurveda, proper sleep is essential for physical and mental wellbeing... Pratyahara Pratyahara has been used for centuries to help manage stress, reduce anxiety, and improve overall health... RajasRajas is one of the three gunas, or qualities of nature, in Ayurveda. It translates... SamskaraSamskara refers to a process of detoxification and purification that involves... SamadhiSamadhi is a term used in the ancient Indian practice of Ayurveda, which translates... SvabhavaSvabhava is seen as a fundamental part of Ayurvedic philosophy, as it is believed that each individual... SatvaSatva is one of the three fundamental qualities of nature, according to Ayurveda... TamasTamas represents inertia, darkness, and stagnation. It is associated with heaviness, dullness, and lethargy... VrittiVritti refers to the mental and emotional fluctuations that occur in the mind... Share FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail