Do you ever feel like your body and mind don’t quite cooperate with each other? Are the hustles and bustles of life taking a toll on you? Well, if that’s the case, it might be time for some spring flower power! It may sound too good to be true, but spring flowers can make all the difference when it comes to natural healing. That’s right—Ayurveda, the ancient form of traditional medicine native to India is just as focused on aromatherapy and botanical treatments as it is on physical wellness. With its guiding principles rooted in simplicity and balance, take this opportunity to learn more about how utilizing Ayurvedic techniques with those aromatic petals can help us optimize our health and overall well-being.
The importance of aromatherapy for physical and mental wellbeing!
Aromatherapy is an ancient form of therapeutic healing that has the potential to create extraordinary physical, mental and emotional benefits. Inhaling different natural plant-based aromas can help calm the mind, reduce stress levels, promote sleep, digestion and improve concentration. Through how it works, aromatherapy has been found to impact how our nervous system responds to stressors by sending chemical messages to the brain for mood enhancement. Not only are these ingredients known to boost skin health due to their antioxidant activity but their fragrance also offers a soothing spa-like experience for enhanced wellbeing.
Herbology and the use of botanicals for beauty and skincare:
Herbology has been around for thousands of years, the use of natural botanicals in the pursuit of beauty and skincare has a rich history in the age old practice. For many, the use of flowers and aromas can aid the healing process as well as the connection to self-care and mental wellbeing. Herbology also plays an essential role in the area of beauty, where the most potent flower extracts are combined together to create luxurious products that soothe the mind, rejuvenate the skin, and restore balance. With the emergence of natural skincare products on the market today, it’s no surprise that herbology is becoming increasingly popular—a testament to the power of botanicals used for both health and beauty.
Ayurveda offers an abundance of holistic healing remedies that have been utilized for thousands of years. These remedies work to restore balance from within, offering a unique and individualized approach to skin care. The Ayurvedic system incorporates natural elements like the best flowers for skincare and aromatherapy which helps promote better overall skin health.
Ayurveda has an exquisite chapter that emphasizes the healing properties of flowers called Pushpa Ayurveda. It elucidates the use of flowers as a natural cure for acute diseases. Since flowers possess therapeutic potency, Ayurveda places prominence on making use of these blooming powerhouses to stimulate one’s overall beauty and wellbeing. Rose, Saffron, Jasmine, Marigold and Hibiscus are among the most revered blossoms for both skincare and wellness within Ayurveda.
The Radiant Rose
An elegant enchant laureled to be ‘The Queen of Flowers’, the mighty Rose or Gulaab holds colossal analeptic powers. An abundant source of Vitamins A, B and C, its extract is believed to assist in reducing body heat and headaches, while its sweet scent reduces anxiety and has a calming effect on one’s being. The slender petals of the magnificent flower are great for stomach cleansing and help in easing digestive issues as well as menstrual cramps. Additionally, Ayurveda believes that consuming gulkand made using dried roses can aid pregnant women get rid of constipation. However, it is advised to consult a doctor before adding it to the diet.
The Sacred Saffron
Saffron (Crocus Sativus) or Kumkum is derived from the stigma of crocus flower. A part of the Iris family, it is a wonderful antioxidant that is believed to help flush toxins out of the body and skin. Also acclaimed to be a tridoshic spice, the sacred Saffron is classified under Varnya Gana in Ayurveda. It is the category of herbs that imparts a warm and glowing complexion to the skin by balancing the three doshas – Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Moreover, Saffron’s medicinal properties also include improving digestion, encouraging blood circulation and enhancing cognitive functions. Saffron is also believed to have a calming effect on the mind that further helps in alleviating stress and tension.
The Joyous Jasmine
Chameli or Jasmine, scientifically known as Jasminum Officiale is an intricate flower whose soothing scent promotes relaxation and mental clarity. It has been used by Ayurvedic Practitioners to reduce stress and treat physical ailments such as headaches, joint pain and issues related to respiration. A mood enhancer, and hence a frequent choice in aromatherapy, Jasmine also contains antibacterial properties that may help control breakouts and acne. Within Ayurveda, Jasmine oil is also believed to strengthen hair follicles and is often used in Ayurvedic hair elixirs. It can help reduce hair fall by keeping the scalp free from dryness, itchiness and dandruff.
The Majestic Marigold
A mainstay at Indian festivities and weddings, Marigold (Calendula Officinalis) or Genda has many therapeutic benefits. Traditionally, Ayurvedic Practitioners used Marigold to treat cuts, burns and rashes as it is believed to have anti-inflammatory properties which can help in reducing pain, swelling and signs of aging. Being a rich source of antioxidants, the beautiful flower can be used to shield the skin from oxidative stress. The majestic Marigold is also considered to symbolize the sun, and promote positive energy by balancing the Pitta and Kapha doshas.
The Heroic Hibiscus
A bright,beautiful blossom, Hibiscus (Hibiscus Sabdariffa) brings soothing, purifying and healing energy. According to Ayurveda, hibiscus has an astringent taste and an energetic effect on the body. These qualities make it ideal for Pitta and Kapha dosha but aggravating for Vata if used in excess. Moreover, it is beneficial for female reproductive organs as it is believed to help in menstruation and promoting healthy urination by improving the health of one’s kidneys. Within Ayurveda, Hibiscus also supports the heart and enhances blood circulation to promote clear, glowing skin.
These flowers have been used for centuries to treat a range of physical and mental ailments, and their therapeutic benefits have been confirmed by modern science. Incorporating these flowers into one’s daily life through aromatherapy or herbal remedies, can be a wonderful way to enhance one’s well-being and connect with the healing power of nature.
How spring flowers can be used for healing and relaxation?
Springtime is a magical time of nature’s renewal and with ayurveda being practiced for thousands of years, flowers have played an essential part in its healing properties. Many ayurvedic formulas contain extracts from wildflowers, which are often used to heal, relax, and stimulate the mind and body. Using freshly picked spring flowers to create a natural face mask cleanses the skin while the aromas of these blooms can reduce stress and promote relaxation. Decorative flower petals can also be sprinkled into warm baths for a luxurious soak for both body and soul. Allowing yourself moments of relaxation using natural sources like spring flowers can bring balance back into your life.
Taking the time to appreciate the beauty of spring flowers in and of itself can be a very therapeutic experience. Incorporating aromatherapy with your favorite spring blooms is an excellent way to maximize the healing effects that come with this season. To really enjoy nature’s medicine, choose flowers based on their smells rather than just their appearance or color. For instance, lavender is known for its calming and anti-anxiety effects when used in aromatherapy. Place a few freshly cut stems near a window or in your bathroom so you can get the full benefit from its natural scent and benefits. You could also try blending yuzu, rose and jasmine essential oils together as this combination has been known to have antidepressant effects and drives away stress! With these tips, you’ll have no trouble getting the most out of your aromatherapy experience with spring flowers.