
Yogic Practices for Vata Season: A Q&A with Sharan Khanna

Written By: UMA Editorial Team |

Published on: October 8, 2024

Q- During Vata season, we see an increase in the qualities of Vata dosha, such as cold, lightness, dryness, and mobility. How can the overall practice of yoga help maintain balance or prevent an excess of Vata as we change seasons?

Grounding asana practices increase agni in the body and can help balance excess Vata. The practice of yoga asana and pranayama generally generates heat in the body, which naturally helps in balancing Vata.

Q- Does your practice remain the same throughout the year, or do you make changes?

I definitely make changes. As an Ashtanga yoga practitioner, during Vata season, I hold my standing postures for longer. I focus on more hip-opening poses or stay longer in grounding postures. I cut down on dynamic or fast-paced vinyasas.

Q- Are there asanas that can ground the body?

Yes! All standing poses are grounding. Asanas that focus on the earth element (Apana energy in the pelvic region) and those that target the lower body are grounding. Sitting forward folds are excellent for grounding, as well as poses where the body is in greater contact with the earth.

Q- Are there asanas that promote warmth or help generate heat within the body?

Back bending poses invigorate and create heat, along with dynamic or fast-paced vinyasas and inversions.

Q- Is there an ideal time of day for asana practice during Vata season?

Asana practice should ideally be done during Kapha time according to the Ayurvedic clock, which is from 6–10 am or 6–10 pm.

Q- What role does pranayama play in balancing Vata?

All pranayama practices help regulate the nervous system, which impacts the mind. By elongating the breath, we can curb Vata imbalances like nervousness or anxiety.

Q- Are there forms of pranayama that can ground or pacify excess Vata in the body? How (and when) do you practice them?

Pranayama is practiced after asana. Kapalabhati, Nadi Shodhan, and Bhramari pranayama are great for Vata imbalances.

Q- What are your favorite practices for keeping Vata balanced?

I use seasonal oils during Vata season and practice abhyanga post-asana. I also enjoy walks in nature, meditation, warm foods, and lots of music.
