

Written By: UMA Editorial Team |

Published on: April 1, 2024

Dr. Varalakshmi Yanamandra, a seasoned Ayurvedic practitioner and health coach, shares her insights on maintaining health during the spring season. Having personally experienced the benefits of Ayurveda in her teenage years, Dr. Yanamandra pursued a medical degree in Ayurveda and has been practicing for over 12 years. As the director of Ayur Wellness and Pain Centre, she specializes in healing complex gut health and hormonal conditions alongside imparting traditional panchakarma therapies for chronic pain relief. Additionally, she imparts her knowledge by teaching Ayurveda at the Europe Ayurveda Academy and participating as a speaker at global health events.

Spring in Ayurveda:

Ayurveda, the science of life, emphasizes living in harmony with nature. Lord Krishna in Bhagvadgeeta notes the dominance of spring, a season characterized by warmth, unctuousness, and moisture – qualities associated with Kapha dosha. Dr. Yanamandra explains the importance of adapting one’s diet and lifestyle to counterbalance the effects of Kapha during this season.

Do’s for Spring Wellness:

  • Tastes: Pungent, bitter, and astringent tastes are recommended to reduce Kapha.
  • Protein Foods: Opt for warming legumes and meats like turkey, chicken, rabbit, and venison.
  • Exercise: Engage in gentle activities like walking or specific yoga poses to combat Kapha.
  • Vegetables: Include artichoke, broccoli, spinach, and other Kapha-pacifying vegetables.
  • Spring Drinks: Consume herbal teas with ginger and honey water made with plain boiled and cooled water, or lassi with a pinch of shunti for warmth.
  • Ayurvedic Detox: Spring is ideal for Panchakarma treatments to balance Kapha.

Don’ts for Spring Wellness:

  • Avoid Animal Proteins: Seafood, beef, lamb, and pork can increase Kapha.
  • Limit Unctuous Foods: Say no to oily, greasy foods, cheese, and cold items.
  • Skip Day Naps: Resist the temptation to nap during the day, as per Ayurvedic advice.
  • Certain Vegetables: Cucumbers, olives, tomatoes (raw), and sweet potatoes can exacerbate Kapha.


Dr. Yanamandra emphasizes the importance of balancing Kapha dosha during the spring season to prevent imbalances in the body and mind. She outlines practical steps for maintaining this balance:

Spring Do’s for Kapha Dosha:

  • Kapha-Pacifying Diet: Incorporate light and warming foods, fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and warming spices.
  • Daily Exercise: Regular, gentle exercises like yoga, brisk walking, or dancing.
  • Daily Self-Care: Adopt self-care practices such as oil massage, dry brushing, and sauna therapy.
  • Adequate Rest: Ensure 7-8 hours of sleep per night with a relaxing bedtime routine.
  • Mindfulness Practices: Include meditation, deep breathing, and journaling for stress reduction.

Spring Don’ts for Kapha Dosha:

  • Avoid Heavy and Oily Foods: Fried, dairy, and meat products can clog the digestive system.
  • Maintain Regular Mealtime: Irregular eating habits can lead to digestive issues.
  • Limit Refrigerated Foods: Cold and processed items can cause inflammation and reduce immunity.
  • Mild Sun Exposure: Overexposure to the sun can lead to skin damage and increased Pitta dosha.
  • Healthy Sleep Patterns: Avoid staying up late or excessive screen time to prevent disruptions in sleep patterns.[1]

In conclusion, Dr. Varalakshmi Yanamandra provides a comprehensive guide to navigating the spring season through Ayurveda. By following these dos and don’ts, individuals can cultivate a healthy and balanced routine tailored to their unique needs. Happy Spring!

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